With the advent of fast broadband and easy Internet delivery, video production is set to be the most powerful form of marketing and communication in 2016. Many companies, brands and small businesses have already jumped on board and some have achieved runaway success as a result. Just how a company should move forward with this however, requires some forethought. Calling up a video production company and enquiring about price and the logistics of producing a promotional video for the website is a start though some thought for the overall marketing strategy is important. Sometimes a two to three minute promotional video is just part of a bigger picture. Thinking of the strategy early on in the production process can keep costs to a minimum. So how are companies using corporate video production successfully?
Promotional videos
A 3 minute promo video is probably the most direct and efficient way to summarise a business for potential customers. It’s forte is not to deliver a wealth of complex information like the written word can but more to provoke an inspiring and emotional reaction in the viewer and a desire to find out more. An onscreen presence by members of the organisation can go a long way to promote confidence in an online environment. Onscreen testimonials can give even more confidence and reassurance to a viewer.
Interviews and testimonials
Although sound bites from interviews and testimonials often form the basis of promotional videos, these can be used in their entirety and repackaged as standalone videos. Informative interviews from key industry leaders can help place an organisation as an authority and one that gives value to its viewers. Full Testimonials from satisfied customers are a sure fire way of instilling confidence in a prospective buyer of a product, service or event.
Seminars and conference videos
The age old dilemma about filming conference presentations has been that making the content available to the public after the event may inhibit attendance at the event. Event organizers therefore often opt to make the full content available to the delegates and only tasters of the material is released to the general public. Often, we film presentations with several cameras so as to capture the speaker, the PowerPoint slides and the audience questions. This is then edited together and packaged as a number of standalone videos which can add enormous value to the attendees of an event and entice people to come back in the future. The gathering of industry experts at a conference is also a great opportunity for gathering specialist interviews. Sometimes these can be setup in a breakout room or can be conducted in situ at any other location. Often, we cut sound bites from these interviews into a promotional video of the event as well as packaging them as standalone videos. This type of video content can also place the participants in the videos and the organisers of the event as industry experts and and authorities in the field.
Video marketing
Video marketing is a branch of content marketing that aims to provide value to a general audience through the production of useful video content. Typically it comes in the form of tutorials, informative videos or entertainment. Most companies selling a product or service can capitalise on the potentially viral nature of this by releasing short tutorials bases on the product or service being sold. For example, we’ve worked with a few restaurant chains and food producers who release tutorials on how to prepare certain dishes. This provides great value to their potential customers while making an emotional connection with the brand and implicitly placing the brand as he expert. Industries like the food industry, tourism guide videos, DIY how to videos etc… sell mostly to the general public and this type of low level video marketing can work incredibly well in raising awareness of a brand and creating an emotional connection with the customers. For industries that sell more specialist products and services a more refined approach may work best. At Promovideo we’re exploring a more specialist form of content marketing that we’re calling documentary marketing.
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